Our Corporate and Secretarial services cater to the various compliance requirements of our clients. The corporate services that we provide to our clients include:
- Advice and assistance in setting up of corporate structures.
- Assistance in incorporation of companies, joint ventures and establishments.
- Flotation, liquidation and winding up companies and completion of formalities relating thereto.
- Dealing on behalf of clients with the various government bodies related to corporate legislation such as the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, SAGIA, Ministry of Labor, Department of Zakat & Income Tax, GOSI, Immigration & Passport Office and related other agencies.
- Providing corporate technical advice and secretarial services in completing documents and acting as company representatives.
Fields of Investments opened for foreign investment in Saudi Arabia:
- Industrial Projects.
- Commercial projects.
- Service Projects.
- Agricultural Projects.
- Real Estate.
Legal forms of investment in Saudi Arabia:
- Individual Establishments
- Joint Ventures (L.L.C)
Our services for the investor cover the following:
- Obtain approvals on the trade name of the Investment in KSA from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
- Prepare and submit all documents and studies required by Saudi Arabia General Investment Authority (SAGIA) from the investor.
- Obtain Licenses for Investors.
- Prepare documents (Agreements, Articles of Association, Shareholding agreements) and submitting it to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOC).
- Obtain Commercial Registration (CR) for the Investment.
- Make all required registration of the Investment in various governmental departments, such as;
- Labor Office,
- Recruiting Office,
- Immigration and Passport Office,
- Chamber of Commerce, General Organization Social Insurance (GOSI).
- Department of Zakat and Income Taxation (DZIT).
- Obtain visas for Investors and appointed manager(s) and process their residency upon arrival